Over the past few weeks, I've been showing a lot of prints. The submissions for the August "Scapes" show and the September show, both at the juried Art League Gallery in Old Town Alexandria, were monotypes. The Sept. show was juried by F. Lenny Campanello, who called my Landscape painting in the 2009 Artomatic, "best landscapes." The monotypes are, of course (!), landscapes. The smaller prints (5 x 7) are made with a wonderfully fluid soy based ink that has a deep, rich black. I've created larger works (7 1/2 x 9 1/2), working in the Discover Graphics studio. I used a sheer coat of graphite ink and then "paint" in the image with a deep black. It give me layers to carve out a image. And easy to add texture. I hope to have some good images soon. The ones at the Art League Gallery's Flicker site are through glass.
The image that got into the Washington Printmakers National show, and the August "Scapes" are currently at Kelley's Art and Frame, No. Washington St., Alexandria, until late next week.
I've been working, in oil, outdoors with Bobbie Pratte. It's so nice to be outside in lovely cool weather. Sooooooo many less bugs to content with.