After a restful trip to my home in StA Florida, I am ready to face the Fall!
To begin with, a new show, Signals at DCAC, were I have been invited to show a new monotype. It's a version of a smaller print I showed and sold at Artomatic. This one has a very different mood. Some of that is because I am working larger, 7x8, and also using oil based inks. Bone black & Graphite. With monotype, each creation has it's own vision. Ink and the press give the works a new language. JW Mahoney is the curator.
Here is a photo of the print I will be showing:
Indiana Haze 2, is framed at 16x20, $425.
Please contact the DCAC, 202-462-7833, if you are interested.
There are one or two other versions in this image which I will post tomorrow or Saturday. Sorry, I'm not much of salesperson. But I will start posting all my monotypes. I've got to find that "widget" again!